Made solo in 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam (Theme: Roles Reversed).

You have a trail of hungry ducklings following you, and you need to find food (worms) to give to them. On your journey, avoid snakes, water, and running into your ducklings in this twist on the classic Snake game.

  • A/D or Left/Right to turn
  • Space to speed up the game
  • Esc to pause and show the menu
  • Q to quack


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This is such a creative and cute puzzle game! I really like how the last duckling goes to sleep and creates a new obstacle for the player to avoid! Very fun!

If I had to make 1 suggestion, maybe include a meter/timer that indicates when the Mama duck will take a step?


Thank you so much! That definitely a feature that I should have added in some way. Unfortunately the time limit on jams always means you miss something.

had a lot of fun completing this game, loved the Q to quack feature and it was great to have the inverted controls option too. great entry! :)

Thanks for playing!